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作者:admin    發布時間:2020-07-18 19:19     浏覽次(cì)數 :

本公司生産的系列高溫注(zhù)脂型(xíng)調節閥可廣泛用于控制各種不 同壓力和溫度的流體(tǐ),閥體結(jié)構緊湊,流體通道呈S流線型,具 有(yǒu)壓降損失小流通量(liàng)大,可(kě)調範圍廣,流量特性(xìng)精度高等特點。 閥門(mén)采用平衡式閥(fá)塞結構,具有閥穩定(dìng)性好,不易震動,噪音低, 對溫度敏感性小。廣泛使用(yòng)于流量大、溫度高、洩漏量要求不嚴(yán) 格的場合。 


The series of high-temperature control valves of grease injection type produced by the company can be widely used to control various kinds of fluids with different pressures and temperatures.The valve body is compact and the flow channel isS-streamlined, with the characteristics of small pressure drop loss and large flux, wide adjustable range and high accuracy of flow characteristics.The balanced plug structure, adopted for the valve, has the advantages of good valve stability, low vibration, lownoise and low temperature sensitivity.It is widely used in occasions of large flow, high temperature, and leakage requirements not strict.


