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作者:admin    發布時間:2020-07-18 19:12     浏覽(lǎn)次數 :

氣動三偏心硬(yìng)密封(fēng)蝶閥是在二偏心硬(yìng)密封蝶閥基礎(chǔ)上生成一 個角度(密封面為(wéi)斜錐面),從而形成三偏心硬密封(fēng)蝶閥。該結構 在啟閉(bì)過(guò)程中無機械磨損和擦傷,其關閉力矩小、切斷性能好、 使用(yòng)壽命長,同時具有調(diào)節和切斷兩種功能(néng)。 本系列産品(pǐn)廣泛應(yīng)用于石油、化工、電力(lì)、冶金、環保(bǎo)、輕 紡、造紙等工業(yè)部門的自動(dòng)化控制系統中。适用(yòng)于液(yè)體、氣體、 煤氣、天然氣(qì)、蒸汽等介質進行截止(zhǐ)或調節(jiē)流量控制。 

The pneumatic tri-eccentric hard seal butterfly valve is based on the two-eccentric hard seal butterfly valve to generate an angle(the sealing surface is an inclined cone) , thus forming the tri-eccentric hard seal butterfly valve.The structure has no mechanical wear and scratch in the process of opening and closing, small closing torque, good cutting performance and long service life, as well as has two functions of adjustment and cutting. This series of products are widely used in the automatic control system of petroleum, chemical industry, electric power, metallurgy, environmental protection, light textile, papermaking and other industrial sectors. In addition, it's suitable for liquid, gas, coal gas, natural gas and steam to cut of for regulate flowcontrol.

