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作者(zhě):admin    發布時間:2020-07-18 19:19     浏覽次數 :

本公(gōng)司生(shēng)産的系列多孔籠式調節閥,采用套(tào)筒導向,壓力平 衡式閥芯。是(shì)一種動态穩定性好,适合于苛刻(kè)工況的高(gāo)性能控制 閥。它(tā)具有工作平穩、允許壓差大、流量特性(xìng)精确噪音低等特(tè)點。 特别(bié)适用于允許(xǔ)洩漏小、要(yào)求噪音低(dī)、閥前後壓差較大的工作場 合(hé)。 


The sleeve guide and pressure-balanced plug is used for the companys production of a series of porous-cage control valve.It is a kind of high-performance control valve with good dynamic stability and suitable for severe working conditions.It has the characteristics of stable operation, large allowable pressure difference, accurate flow characteristics and lownoise.It is especially suitable for the work place with small leakage, lownoise requirement and large pressure difference between the front and back of the valve.


